In a search for the perfect recipe – Onion soup

Not every day we get the chance to enjoy delicious French cuisine. It was a rare occasion that Marriot Skopje was hosting Chef Olivier Bepmale during the French Cuisine days, and he was presenting the secrets of the cuisine. I vividly remember the first time my husband and I tried the famous French onion soup. The soup was optional on the menu, but I insisted that we try it since I have heard a lot about it but never had the chance to taste it. As you can imagine, and to my husband’s uttermost surprise, the soup was a real delicacy. It was something that we would order again, even better try to make it at home.
The chance arose when I took private cooking classes to discover the secrets of French cuisine. Sometimes the most delicious recipes require only a few ingredients. I could not have been more proud of myself.
Let me share the secret with you. Dig deep into the traditional French cuisine.
Follow THIS LINK for the perfect recipe of onion soup.
Serve the soup hot!
Bon appétit!