
Baked egg with foie gras and tartufata

If you are looking for the perfect breakfast or entrée dish, look no further. I have the ideal suggestion for you.  It is super easy to make, and it is delicious.

Preheat the oven to 200 C and prepare six ramekins.

Ingredients for six people:

  • 180 gr Tartufata
  • 160 gr Foie gras
  • 6 Fresh eggs
  • 40 gr Butter
  • 200 ml Cream



Place a full teaspoon of salsa tartufata into the ramekins, slice of foie gras, little butter, season with salt and pepper. Add a whole egg in each ramekin separately and some cream.

Bake for 10-12 minutes and let it cool a little before serving.


Bon Appétit